MOBIUS CONNECT Launches Platform for CBM and Reliability Professionals

MOBIUS CONNECT® launches an interactive, community-based web platform and mobile app for condition monitoring and reliability improvement professionals celebrating industry collaboration and education around the world.

Mobius Institute, the global education and certification provider, today announced the launch of MOBIUS CONNECT®, the worldwide customizable online knowledge-sharing community and training conferences for condition monitoring and reliability improvement professionals, announced the launch of their new community-based platform.

The new platform, MOBIUS CONNECT, facilitates industry collaboration and continuing education. The MOBIUS CONNECT platform features a live feed, forum discussions, interactive map, and resources to allow users to engage with each other and to search for new connections based on industry, region, and area of interest. Users are encouraged to create their profiles and set their preferences to enjoy the full benefits of the site, including custom communications specific to their areas of interest.

“Improving reliability and making plants safer and more productive is incredibly challenging. We are proud to offer this new portal that will provide leaders and practitioners a place where they can solve problems and continue learning. We hope that those with experience will share their advice and words of wisdom with those who desperately need it.”  Jason Tranter, CEO and Founder of Mobius Institute.

Visitors to the platform can create a profile and access the MOBIUS CONNECT community for free, and they can also engage directly with online educational websites, CBM CONNECT®, and RELIABILITY CONNECT® (English and Spanish), and in-person at the CBM + RELIABILITY CONNECT Live Training Conferences. Visitors can also become a member of their regional COMMUNITY CONNECT™ group to gain access to additional educational resources, participate in focused forums, and attend meetups. You can visit MOBIUS CONNECT from your desktop or download the mobile app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store to get started.

Published Date: 9/28/2020

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